Sunday, 8 March 2015

Computer Science Projects for College Students

  1. Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary
  2. Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data
  3. Web Based Online Blood Donation System
  4. Web Based Graphical Password Authentication System
  5. Identification and Matching of Robust-Face Name Graph for Movie Character
  6. Controlling of Topology in Ad hoc Networks by Using Cooperative Communications
  7. An SSL Back End Forwarding Scheme of Clusters Based On Web Servers
  8. Motion Extraction Techniques Based Identifying the Level of Perception Power from Video
  9. Approximate and Efficient Processing of Query in Peer-to-Peer Networks
  10. Web Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
  11. Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
  12. Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
  13. Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture and Security of Biometric Technology
  14. Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on Voice
  15. Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
  16. Increased Development Process Quality Based Testing of Automotive Real Time
  17. SQL Based Employee Management System in ASP and C# .NET
  18. Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
  19. Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code Plagiarism Based on Program
  20. Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind Driven Snow
  21. Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
  22. Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
  23. Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured Fingerprint Using Computational Geometry Algorithms
  24. Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
  25. Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless Communication Networks for Effective Cache Consistency
  26. Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
  27. Automatic Removal and Estimation of Noise in From a Single Image
  28. Dynamic Time Warping and Triangular matching Based on a Fingerprint Verification System
  29. Smart Card Security and Static Analysis Perspective from a Java
  30. Internet Based Monitoring of Remote Electrocardiogram
  31. Internet Protocol Trace Back Based Detection and Modeling of Camouflaging Worm
  32. Ridges and Fusion of Minutiae Based Fingerprint Identification Using Strength Factors
  1. All of these projects listed in the above list are the latest computer science project topics for engineering students that are widely implemented by the professionals.We believe that by giving this information, we have been successful to afford you the best list from the lot, and therefore anticipate your suggestions, comments, and queries on this particular article.Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary

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